
Welcome to my Website

Programmer\Engineering - Aspiring Creator


I am a 26 year Computer Engineering graduate and software developer with 5 years professional experience focusing in mobile and back-end system developement in various forms such as integration with FPGA level embedded software to high level Quantum Communication services. I focus on building systems through the software lifecycle to requirement design, UX and testesting and Continuous Integration. In university I worked on a a variety of extra curricular teams including organizing 500+ attendee hackathons, chairing provincial ESSCO meetings and hosting conferencees to chairing a local IEEE student branch and competing in robotics competitions. In my free time I tend to explore my hobbies of carpet making, storytelling, music and programming.

My education focused on classwork in Android development, embedded systems (RTOS, Linux etc), Digital Design and Architecture (VHDL), Networking, Databases, Aritificial Intelligence and programming fundamentals, Data Structures, Algorithms, Concurrecy and software quality (Git,CI,xUnit etc).
I am experienced in C++, primarily integrating it into other projects and tend to use Go,Dart,Python and Javascript for most of my development but am quick to pick up any language needed for a job.


Face4 Systems, Software Developer

July 2021 - Present

  • Image Processing:Develop Applications focused around image and camera manipluation,facial detection and OCR
  • Mobile: Developed mobile applications in a variety of frameworks for different seemless travel use cases

Quantropi Inc, Engineering Intern

May 2020 - December 2020

  • DevOps: Developed a QA & CI process for dynamic C++ & Python SDK delivery using CMake and Bash
  • QA: Researched testing automation for randomization and integration using CMake and xUnit frameworks

Ciena Inc, Software Developer (Coop)

May 2020 - December 2020

  • Distributed Network Management: Develop logging mechanism in Go for micro service network managementtool, including logging consolidation,export and API configuration
  • Database Debugging: Debug NoSQL database API in Django and Swagger to correct parameter ignored ondatabase requests

Pleora Technology , Embedded Developer (Coop)

May 2020 - December 2020

  • Imaging Firmware Bootloader: Created in C++, expanded functionality to recognize new camera specificationswith board boot loader and allow custom GenICam firmware payloads
  • License Manager: Created in C++ and C#. Expanded functionality for internal tooling and created a offlinelicence manager tool to authenticate pre-approved tokens for offline licensing

Nordiasoft Inc, Mobile Developer Coop

May 2020 - December 2020

  • Android: Created Android application from scratch in Java and Kotlin to mimic radio controlled hardwareutilizing a software defined radio for communication and general phone hardware for all other functionality

Extra Curricular


IEEE, uOttawa Student Branch

  • Treasurer 2018/19, managed an account of ~5K annual expenses including budget and reports
  • Chair 2019/20, lead the branch operations and represent branch at faculty and Section level
  • Ottawa Section Student Representative 2020/21, represent the voice of students in the Section
  • IEEE Canada (Region 7) Ambassador for IEEE Rising Stars 2020 in Las Vegas
  • Received Honours for outstanding volunteer work by IEEE Ottawa at 2020 AGM

Engineering Student Socieities Council of Ontario (ESSCO)

  • Board Chair responsible for meetings of stakeholders and managing incidents of the organization
  • Co-Chair of the 2021 ESSCO President Meeting Conference for 50+ student leaders across Ontario

uOttaHack 2018 and 2019 Organizing Team

  • Helped organize a 24 hour event for 400+ students,sponsors and mentors
  • Helped with logistics for ordering meals and attendee swag bags

Ottabotics, uOttawa Former Robotics Club

  • Co-lead for the Roboboat Software team competing in the 2018 Robonation competition in Florida
  • Business and Community Manager 2019 in charge of helping with getting new members and sponsors


Digital Systems


New Venture




MIPS Processor










Artificial Intelligence




Mobile Application





Category Main Secondary Familiar
Programming Python,Golang(Go),Flutter\Dart C#(MAUI),C++,C,Javascript,Django,Bash WebAssembly,Node.js
Libraries Android,CMake OpenCV,ROS Boost(C++)
DevOps Jenkins,Bamboo,Docker,Git ssh,Vagrant,Mercurial AWS,Azure
Web Development PostgreSQL,SQL,Firebase html5,Bootstrap Css3,MongoDB,MySQL
Teamwork Jira, Agile Waterfall,Test Driven Development Sharepoint, Microsoft Office




STEM Outreach




Content Creation
